Thursday, 16 February 2012

Being a Female Football Fan

Might as well get this post over and done with as it has to be done.  Firstly I shall answer the most important question, do I understand the offside rule? Yes, really it's not complicated.

As I said in my introduction post my family aren't football fans except for watching England play during the world cup and even then it's only if they're doing well (so not often then) however this is actually a lie. You see I'm speaking about my adopted family here, my genetic Mother doesn't just follow football she's a huge Wigan Athletic FC fan. She's a season ticket holder,lives 5 minutes walk from the ground, follows them away a lot,she had her reception at the JJB Stadium and her general football knowledge would put most people to shame. It's for her husband I hear you cry! Nope, he doesn't go,he's interested because his wife talks about her team but it's her team,she's the big fan, not him. She goes with a few female friends, all season ticket holders of many,many seasons, most of whom leave their husbands at home.

When I tell people I'm a Sheffield Wednesday fan they automatically turn to my other half and direct any football questions to him. I have to admit,he has been a fan for much,much longer than me and his knowledge is impressive but mine isnt bad at all. The fact is 99% of those we talk to havent got a clue that i'm a fairly new fan they just assume that as a woman I must follow Wednesday because my other half does. Whilst I started my love for Swfc because of my boyfriends there is no doubt in my mind that I have as much passion for them as he does now,as every fan does. If for any reason we weren't together I know I would still follow Wednesday, still wouldn't miss a match,still would haunt Owlstalk, still would listen to praise or grumble and football heaven.  You see I am now Wednesday through and through,I cried (along with plenty of men) when we got relegated,I mourn over the summer when my beloved team aren't playing and there's no morsel of news, I don't sleep for 48 hours before the big derby (who can?) and I over analyse every word from Gary Megson. I see being a football fan a somewhat of a disease,once you have it you never get over it so you might as well accept it.

I have to say I have had very few problems with other football fans, I thing generally Swfc is a very friendly place and I have been treated as one of the lads. I shout and sing and join in just like everyone else (perhaps louder than others at times but that's me!) There have been the odd occasions when someone has made a comment but I think I scare them by turning around (they're always sitting behind you-cowards) and staring at them, seems to shut them right up. 

I do think there should be more women in football, I think it's a disgrace that there isn't one female football manager in the male league. I don't see why a female manager who is successful with a female team would not be successful with a male team. I understand the relationship would initially be strange and unusual for the players but they're not idiots,they're capable of following instructions and taking directions from a woman just as they do a man.  You see I believe the best person,man or woman, should get a job, that you shouldn't be held back from doing what you want to because of your gender (or sexuality either!).  The same goes for Radio Sheffield (really all football programmes I've heard), I think it's amazing (in a bad way) that not one of their commentators is female. There are many women who are passionate about football and would be brilliant commentators. Initially viewers/listeners would find it unusual but before you know it it would be commonplace.

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